Specifically, a naturally derived compound known as TA-65 has been shown to activate the telomerase gene in humans. The researchers, a collaboration of scientists from Sierra Sciences, TA Sciences, Geron Corporation, PhysioAge, and the Spanish National Cancer Research Center, discovered that activating this gene could prevent the shortening of telomeres at the ends of chromosomes, thereby slowing or even stopping the cellular aging process.
While TA-65 is probably too weak to completely arrest the aging process, it is the first telomerase activator recognized as safe for human use.
"We are on the cusp of curing aging," said William Andrews, Ph.D., co-author of this study and President and CEO of Sierra Sciences, LLC. "TA-65 is going to go down in history as the first supplement you can take that doesn't merely extend your life a few years by improving your health, but actually affects the underlying mechanisms of aging. Better telomerase inducers will be developed in the coming years, but TA-65 is the first of a whole new family of telomerase-activating therapies that could eventually keep us young and healthy forever."
As excited as I am by this discovery, I believe Andrews's statement is considerably overstated. We are still quite a ways off from having interventions that will "keep us young and healthy forever," and it will unlikely be accomplished through the exclusive use of telomerase-activating therapies. Aging is a multi-faceted process that will inevitably require a cocktail of therapies. Moreover, as healthy life span is continually extended, new and unanticipated age-related diseases will crop up.
It's worth noting that, in addition to slowing the cellular aging process, the researchers hope that TA-65 may also help treat diseases which attack the immune system such as HIV/AIDS.
Press release.
Sounds great George, but I'd like to see / understand how taking this would influence the development of cancerous cells, given that an active telomerase protein is something that tumours typically need to keep dividing at a rapid pace.
You and me both.
And so it begins.
According to the thread on Facebook, after Sierra Sciences' post on the TA-65 availability, it costs between $200 and $667 per month, depending on desired dosage.
You can order what looks like 1 bottle for $4000 from this website.
That seems like a lot. I think I'll wait to see what happens to the "early adopters" =).
I think the reasoning is that cancers activate telomerase on their own anyway, so it doesn't matter much. Some non-cancerous growths that haven't hit the telomerase activation mutation may turn cancerous as a result, but overall this is trumped by the longevity gains from having telomerase available for all cells.
Scepticism: Telomeres and telomerase: a modern fountain of youth?
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