January 1, 2005

Institute of Biomedical Gerontology (IBG) Survey

Is an Institute of Biomedical Gerontology (IBG) devoted solely to the development of engineered negligible senescence viable? John Schloendorn has set-up a poll to find out:
With the increasing support that the anti-aging movement has gained lately, we might soon be able to commence a new phase of active goal-directed research and development. I have set up a brief survey to estimate the human and material resources that the community is willing and able to throw at a major anti-aging R+D project today.

You have probably heard of Aubrey de Grey’s proposal to set up a large Institute of Biomedical Gerontology (IBG) devoted solely to the development of engineered negligible senescence. As many of you know, the ingenuity of Aubrey’s plans to reverse aging is only surpassed by nearly everyone else’s lack of courage to actualise them.

The IBG is proposed as a coordinated project involving many scientific groups to cure first mouse, and then human aging. It will represent a goal-directed, problem-solving approach to aging, which is often absent in the fundamental biosciences. If you have not heard of the IBG before, please take a look into Aubrey’s proposal before you go into the survey.

To participate in the survey,

Click here!

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