March 10, 2004

TV04 News

I've got some big TransVision 2004 news: I have reached an agreement with Steve Mann and he will be joining us at TV04 as a keynote speaker. TV04 is certainly starting to take shape -- it's going to be an absolutely mind-blowing weekend. I'm still nowhere near where I want to be in regards to speakers, but we've already got a formidable crew, including Mann, Howard Bloom, Tsubasa, Nick Bostrom, Aubrey de Grey and James Hughes. Wow. I'm also looking to get S. Jay Olshansky and Stelarc involved in the conference. I'll keep you posted.

We're looking to add a Thursday event to TV04. Our current thinking is that it'll be about transhumanism and religion. Or, it could be a crash-course in transhumanism, an event reminiscent of what we did last year at TV03 last year.

Local UofT bioethics student Isaac Filate has joined us on the organizing committee for TV04. If anyone here in Toronto is interested in volunteering, please contact me.

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