April 12, 2007

British miltary thinktank cites "synthetic telepathy" as a future threat

A UK Ministry of Defence thinktank led by Rear Admiral Chris Parry, a controversial senior officer, has outlined a number of challenges British forces might face in the period up to 2035.

In its rolling Strategic Trends Programme document, the MoD's Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC), they note that,
"By 2035, an implantable information chip could be developed and wired directly to the user's brain...Developments might include the invention of synthetic telepathy, including mind-to-mind or telepathic dialogue. This type of development would have obvious military and security, as well as control, legal and ethical, implications."
More can be read here and here. Be prepared to read about the threat of 'brain-chipped middle class goths in flashmob revolution by 2035' and middle class revolutionaries taking on the role of Marx's proletariat.

Mmmmmm, middle class cybergoth proletariat revolutionaries. Where do I sign up?


Anonymous said...

Yet another technological development that has some parrallel to the UFO community. I, and I'm sure many others, have realized that the claim that 'aliens' communicate via telepathy indicates a technological development being that no lifeform currently known to man is able to communicate in such fashion. Combine this with the belief that alien implants are inserted into abductee bodies for all manner of supposed reasons, with the most probable being, 'To Become One' as actualy stated by some recpients. Interestingly also is the fact that some abductees also report that the 'aliens' also have implants, though ones that allow a higher degree of merger with one another.

All of the above brings me to the number one problem with 'artificial telepathy', mainly the issue of 'mind seepage.' The philosophy behind this dire problem is due to the percieved destruction of individuality that would entail if two minds were linked together, assuming there are no form of protective measures installed. Any minds linked in this fashion would 'pool' together, creating a unique group-mind or collective. It is concievable that such a collective may decide to 'save' others from the prison of individuality and thus, 'The Borg' of Star Trek fame is born.

Of course if the British Military is keen on producing 'artificial telepathy', I might add that the best bet would be 'Internet via Implant'. (And you thought the 'all-seeing-eye' of AOL was completely harmless!)


Bob Mottram said...

This report looks like a classic case of linear extrapolation based upon current technologies and trends.

The idea of artificially enabled telepathy has been around in science fiction for a long time, and a few years ago Kevin Warwick did the first internet enabled type of telepathy using an implant in his wrist rather than his brain (see his book "I, cyborg").

If you took a Dobelle type of implant, extended it to cover the motor cortex, and added a wifi interface it would be quite possible to "telepathically" control a telerobot or broadcast your experiences to other people as a form of entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Governments are now taking notice of technological trends. This news and last weeks report by the Joint Economic Committee on the future of Nanotechnology are unprecedented. They both basically layout that there will be a Singularity. They even use the word 'Singularity' in the JEC report!

Martin Wurzinger said...

Methinks what is forgotten in all such predictions are the underlying dynamics of neuronal systems.
Just as the contents of a ‘single’ thought are not identifiable in a precisely defined cluster of neurons, neither are the representative states of those clusters. In other words, what represents ‘car’ in one person may be quite different in another. Hence the transmission of these states - assuming this was possible - may well generate surprising results or, more likely, complete nonsense.
As far as implants are concerned, it seems they produced results because the owner wanted a certain result to happen. It would be interesting to test what happens if despite the signals coming from such a device their user generated ‘counter thoughts’.

George said...

Hey mw,

Lost in this discussion is the difference btwn linguistic and conscious techlepathy. It's going to be a pretty straight forward thing to transmit verbal intentions from mind to mind, and quite another to transmit conscious intentions.

- G

Anonymous said...

"Lost in this discussion is the difference btwn linguistic and conscious techlepathy. It's going to be a pretty straight forward thing to transmit verbal intentions from mind to mind, and quite another to transmit conscious intentions."

I disagree. 'Linguistics' is simply an extremely primitive form of telepathy.

The recent revealing of a machine that can 'read' and predict human thought will propell us closer to such goal. Such a machine could be modified so that it interprets individual nuances which then are translated into a form of universal language/signal, only to be once more decoded/translated into a form unique to the mind of the recipient. Consciousness intentions can and will be transmitted simply because consciousness itself is such an elusive, if not 'liquid' asset.

escolesbc said...

2035 seems a little pessimistic. 2015 seems more likely to me.

TelepathicSecurity.com said...

2015? The voices in my head are driving me batty now(it's 2008). Have been for six years. I need to prove to people that this is happening. There's a long list of witnesses at http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/victm-hm.htm