Some scientists predict that today's children will be able to live for more than 1,000 years. Is immortality just around the corner? Bryan Appleyard peers into a hair-raising future without death.
FAQ: Forty years of Moore's Law (ZDnet)
Forty years ago, Electronics Magazine asked Intel co-founder Gordon Moore to write an article summarizing the state of the electronics industry. The result was Moore's Law--a phenomenon that may in fact start to slow down in the coming years.
Only the Ethical Need Apply (Christian Science Monitor)
In the heavily automated workplace of the future, a keen sense of right and wrong will become a highly valued job skill.
What Matters Most Depends On Where You Are (Technology Review)
In the era of globalization, emerging technologies still vary from region to region.
Hurray for Frankenstein! (Reason)
British parliamentarians welcome the biotech future.
Brain-computer Interface for Music (We Make Money Not Art)
The Future Music Lab at the University of Plymouth, England, is looking for new modes of interaction with musical systems through bio-signal interfacing, networks and responsive environments.
Why We Know Painfully Little About Dying (RAND)
Tethered Turbines (World Changing)
A new form of alternative energy might be possible with high altitude turbines which, at 15,000 feet, could take advantage of the high winds at that height.
Why Cryonics? (Kuro5hin)
Cryonics is currently a hot topic being discussed at Kuro5hin.
Healthier, More Informed, Always Together (Deutsche Telecom)
What will life be like in 2015? "It will be a world created in good part by information and communication technologies," says Martin van der Mandele, President of RAND Europe. He told IPK participants that digital developments would give the word "presence" a whole new meaning.
Let's Colonize Space For Fun, Noted Physicist Says (CNet)
Humans must continue to explore space, implores famed physicist Freeman Dyson, if simply for entertainment.
Radical Report Supports Baby Sex Selection (New Scientist)
Parents undergoing fertility treatment should be allowed to choose the sex of their baby for "family balancing", says a report by the UK parliament's committee on science and technology.
First Centennial Prizes Announced (Universe Today)
NASA recently announced their first Centennial Prizes, which will reward the development of new technologies for space exploration, including prizes for the strongest cable material and power transmitters that send energy wirelessly to a robot climber.
A New Company to Focus on Artificial Intelligence (NY Times)
The technologist and the marketing executive who co-founded Palm Computing in 1992 are starting a new company that plans to license software technologies based on a novel theory of how the mind works.
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