August 12, 2010

Cascio quote on geoengineering

"But here's the ugly truth: nature doesn't care about democracy, or who's right, or what's fair. And because of the slow-change aspect of climate, we can't wait until the worst effects are upon us to make a decision -- by then, it would be far, far too late. The scenario we may be faced with is one where doing something for the wrong reasons, run by the wrong people, may still save more lives than holding out for a more appealing option." - Jamais Cascio


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jamais Cascio: "... nature doesn't care about democracy, or who's right, or what's fair."

*We* as human beings are part of nature too, and *we* *do* care about democracy, and who's right, and what's fair. Well, with the exception of Jamais Cascio and like-minded persons.

Even if nature wouldn't care, Jamais Cascio's dangerous opinion about "doing something for the wrong reasons [etc.]" is *not* conclusive.

Homo sapiens will survive just because it is an intelligent species. Well, with the exception of Jamais Cascio and like-minded persons.