January 16, 2009

Russell Blackford guest blogging here next week

Starting next week I'll be introducing a new feature on Sentient Developments: guest bloggers. Each month I will invite a writer and thinker who I admire and respect and whose work speaks in someway to SentDev's subject matter. Guests will be encouraged to post at least one article a day for an entire week.

I'm proud to announce that progressive Australian bioethicist, attorney and science fiction writer Russell Blackford PhD LLB will be the first guest blogger on Sentient Developments. Look for Russell's posts to begin next week on Monday January 19.

Here's Russell's bio:
I am an Australian writer, philosopher, and critic. I'm editor-in-chief of The Journal of Evolution and Technology, an on-line, peer-reviewed journal. As a creative writer, I specialise in science fiction and fantasy. My non-fiction work frequently deals with issues involving the human, or posthuman, future. I am interested in the ethics, and possible regulation, of emerging technologies, and the future of religion, morality, art, literature, political organisation, and human nature itself. Some of my articles are available on my web site. My formal qualifications include First Class Honours degrees in Arts and Law, a Ph.D on the supposed return to myth in contemporary literature, and a Master of Bioethics degree. I have now qualified for a second Ph.D (in philosophy this time); this may seem extravagant, but I have my reasons!
In addition, Dr. Blackford is a Fellow at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies and he blogs over at the excellent Metamagician and the Hellfire Club. Be sure to check it out.

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